September 2019
I wanted to create a case that was easy to clean, and that was made to last. The case should be thin and easily shippable to the user as well. Most of the pencil cases I have had were made of fabric, and they got easily stained when a marker was uncapped. I had some pieces of PVC vinyl from an old billboard and found it to be the perfect material: strong, lightweight and water/stain proof.
Inspired by the way a flat piece of cardboard turns into a box, I designed the 3D shape I wanted to end up with and then made the flat blueprint to cut the piece of vinyl. Then I sent two vinyl pieces to be sewn together with magnets in between.
Draw inspitation from cardboard boxes and their self closing mechanism.
Analized how they could easily turn from a flat shape into a 3D object
Materials available for the project were an old advertising PVC vinyl billboard and magnets from an old electric motor.
First sketches inspired in cardboard boxes
Exploring closing mechanisms and different case shapes
Further exploring closing mechanisms using laces
TFurther exploring closing mechanisms using magnets and how they would assembly
Refined sketch of the end product assembled to its case shape and closed
Protptyping the different closing mechanism that were designed in sketches
Transitioning from 2D to 3D in two steps
Closed case
Opening the case to store items